Thursday, October 13, 2011

“For Every time there is a season…a time to embrace…” Ecclesiastes 3:5b

Hello from Quetzaltenango, Guatemala! After a long four weeks in San Juan Del Obispo and a one week stint in Pachaj, I am settled in to my new home for the next 9 ½ months! The last six weeks have been a complete whirlwind but I am happy to finally be settled in and getting in to a routine.

I apologize for being incommunicado, but living in very rural areas does not really offer much opportunity to be on the internet. That being said- this is a very long series of blog posts, my apologies! Now that I have internet in my house, I promise to be more in touch!

Before I explain everything I have been doing for the past six weeks, it is with a humbled and grateful heart that I let you know that, in just a short three months, I have been able to raise the total $8,000 necessary for my stay here in Guatemala!

I want to thank you for whatever ways you have supported me, be they words of encouragement, financial donations, warm hugs at my send off, prayers, or even a fleeting thought regarding my time here. I have most certainly had a faith-enriching experience. I praise our maker for such supportive people in my life! Goodness and mercy surely flow!
For the four weeks we were in language school in San Juan, we stayed with host families in town. My host mother during this time was Rosa- she is 48 and runs a daycare center out of her home (which was fun to help with in the afternoons, but made studying a bit difficult!).  My former host father’s name is Chico- he is 68 and a gardener in Antigua. My host sister was Les- she is 16, very good at math, and hopes to be an accountant one day. My host brother was Oto- he is 12 and is very in to soccer these days. We watched a few games together and he got me really excited about Xela’s team “XelaWho.” (Below: my family in San Jaun from L to R: Chilo, Oto, Rosa, Lys & Tanya (a family friend; my room; myself with the kids in Rosa's school)


  1. They were my 2nd San Juan host family! AND A GREAT FAMILY! Yay! I'm glad you had them :)

  2. Hey--I recognize that Barbie luggage! Glad you're off to a good start in your new home!
